200 S. Andrews Ave., Ste. 700, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301


(954) 557-7872

Drug Trafficking

Fort Lauderdale Drug Offenses Attorney

When your freedom is at stake, call board-certified Fort Lauderdale drug trafficking lawyer Gerard S. Williams at (954) 358-1497.

A drug trafficking charge is much more serious than a simple possession charge. Drug trafficking is the possession, sale, transportation, manufacture or delivery of a specified quantity of a controlled substance or illegal drug.

The substance may seem relatively harmless like marijuana or it may even be legal at times, like prescription medicines. Regardless, drug trafficking is a charge that can put you away for many years. Trafficking is always a first-degree felony in Florida, punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

Broward County Drug Distribution Defense Lawyer

At the Law Office of Gerard S. Williams, P.A., we know that most persons charged with drug trafficking are also addicted to the drugs. In many cases, they are drawn by their addiction into deeper involvement, to pay for their supply. Therefore, there are two problems with most trafficking cases — the offense at hand and the larger problem of what addiction leads people to do.

Addiction is a disease, and it is a mission of ours to defend people who commit crimes because they are sick, and direct them, when possible, to a better way to live. We always seek to have charges dismissed, but when this is not possible, we look for treatment-based alternatives to prison time.

Effective Broward County Drug Crimes Attorney

In addition to trafficking charges, Gerard S. Williams defends persons charged with conspiracy to sell or distribute, cultivation, manufacturing, prescription drug fraud, medical marijuana violations, selling drugs in a school zone, and involvement in pill running.